Episode 4
Changing Your Life One Letter at a Time:
What begins with G – Gifts
What begins with G – Gifts. The fourth letter in BRIGHTLY is G. Living BRIGHTLY involves seeking God’s gifts for you. Therefore, in this fourth instalment Elayne investigates the three universal gifts available for everyone to solidify your personal relationship with God. And more.
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About This Episode
The best gift you can receive is one from someone who loves you, listens to you, and pays attention to you then using all that information to choose perfectly. However, it usually goes along the lines of – what do you want. Followed by you providing a list of ideas. The excitement and pleasure from receiving the first gift is noticeably different from the second situation. Developing you relationship with God places you firmly in the first situation.
God created you as a unique, intentional, loved child. Additionally, God knows you better than you know yourself because He created you. I’m sure you have figured out many things you like, or don’t like, as you have lived. God new it when you were born. Because He knows you and loves you so much He has wonderful gifts just for you once you develop your relationship with Him.
Gift Show Notes
What does Living BRIGHTLY have to do with gifts?
Why do you make a gifts list? Because you quickly learned that if you don’t ask for what you want you will not get it. Occasionally, someone who loves you will listen carefully to things you mention, notice things you like or might like to have, and decipher a good gift for you. It’s wonderful when this happens, but, let’s be honest, it doesn’t always turn out great. If you have gift ideas you know you have to share them or take what you get.
This is the forth letter of BRIGHTLY and these four, believer, rest, identity, and gifts fit together to form your foundational relationship with God on which you build your life. In Other words, these constitute your personal and intimate relationship with God. Your vertical relationship comes first and foremost and all these things represent how you can have a strong, healthy, vibrant relationship with God. The next four represent our horizontal relationships with others.
Collectively, we, the church, are to be a city on a hill, then individually we are each a building in that bright city. The foundation is hidden from view but vital to the continuity of the structure. The walls are visible for all to see which represents our horizontal relationships with others. Today we finish up the foundation with this last corner stone – gifts.
Personal Gifts
There are many gifts mentioned in the Bible but the first gift is the Bible.
Jesus talks about human fathers in Matthew 7:9-11 and says you parents if your child asks for bread would you give him a stone or if they ask for a fish would you give them a snake? Of course not! Continuing, Jesus says you sinful people know how to give good gifts how much more so will your Father in Heaven give gifts to those who ask Him. This parable identifies
- Children ask parents for gifts
- We ask for things we need and/or want
- Most parents will give them their request
- Parents will not substitute the request with a horrible alternative
The most interesting element of this parable is the idea of asking for a gift. God gives you gifts because He
- Loves you
- Cares for you
- Desires a whole life for you
- Provides for you
The gift of His Word
The first gift is the Bible. We can’t take that for granted. In 2020’s you have easy access to scriptures and multiple translations in English as well as other languages. To clarify, virtually every home has a Bible in the United States. It is an incredible gift to have ready access to a Bible in most languages. Furthermore, the Bible continues to be translated every day. Imagine Moses getting the first written text following twenty-five hundred years of people following God. Additionally, it was another twenty-five hundred years before the printing press was developed and closer to three thousand years before it was readily available. In the last 500 years the Bible has been printed and translated exponentially.
Literacy is an important skill to Jews and Americans for many reasons but chiefly to read scripture. Prior to the printing press scripture was hand copied and owning a copy was a family treasure. The Bible as you know it containing both the Old and New Testament was not complete until almost four hundred years after Christ. Therefore, all the early believers and churches did not have a Bible as we know it. During the first few hundred years of the printing press the church in Rome and church leadership sis not want everyone to have access to Scriptures. That is to say, ignorant people are more trusting and believing. It provided power and control over others. Still the Bible remains the most precious gift you have from God and the debates over translation style or quality negates the heart of God who protects His Word.
No translation is perfect unless you read in the original Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic. First of all, those languages have changed just like English has. Secondly, no language translates perfectly because there are words in one language that do not exist in another. Finally, we have a big God who is aware with what is happening especially with respect to His Word. God is careful to guide the hands of translators.
Can people mistranslate? Absolutely, though I do not have any evidence of that happening. What is more dangerous is in the actual teaching of Scripture. This is where misinterpretation and cherry-picking of ideas and philosophies happen. I have no evidence of Scripture being mistranslated intentionally except for a cult that requires the use of their translation only. Some people use the wisdom of man to explain Scripture even if it does not align with what Scripture is saying. This is why it is so important to read your Bible: the gift God has given you. And study it personally with the help of the Holy Spirit and know it for yourself and not rely solely on the teaching of others. Anyone can get it wrong but the Holy Spirit will not.
Types of Bibles
The first and greatest gift to you from God is having a written, concrete, physical copy of His Word. God is so great, complete, and aware that He is Omni-powerful. Meaning, He is always aware and has more power than anything in this universe that you can trust Him to maintain good translations. Some translations are word-for-word making them more literal. Conversely, others are phrase-for-phrase making them easier to translate into contemporary dialogue. And everything in between. Subsequently, there are very contemporary translations like the Message or Passion which use things like baseball or gas stations to assist the reader in correlating it to real life.
The beauty of having so many styles of translations is that you can dig deep in study with a word-for-word or read like a nook relating it to your life with the Passion or Message Bible. Moreover, the translation often used in a church on Sunday is a phrase-for-phrase also known as thought-for-thought. The Bible is a tool, a gift that enhances your relationship with God but it doesn’t satisfy all your needs.
As a Christian you need
- Time for prayer where you get quiet and hear His heart for you
- The Word not dependent on someone’s memory and oral transmission
- Other believers to share life with, a tribe
The Gift of the Holy Spirit
The second and even bigger gift is the Holy Spirit, also known as the Holy Ghost. Prior to Jesus, the Spirit of God would enter certain people. When the Israelites left Egypt and arrived at the mountain there was a proposition. The mountain was covered in a dense cloud, along with thunder and shaking in the earth. It was a dangerous and scary event even though God said He would meet with His people. The people got so afraid because they did not have a relationship with God. They had been living as slaves, living under slave masters. So when the earth shook, that cloud hovered, and thunder rolled they said ‘no, no, no, no, Moses you go talk with God and come back and tell us what He says.”
Unfortunately, though God wanted to meet with the people they were too distant from Him. They didn’t have enough relationship with Him. So, God honored that and created Torah – the books of Moses or the first five books in Bible. Subsequently, God continued to speak with the Israelites through individuals mostly referred to as Prophets. Additionally, the events, stories, kings, judges, prophets and more were added to Scriptures through to Malachi when the Jews say God went silent. Above all, they point toward the coming messiah, Jesus. To point us to a time when Jesus would come.
Giving the Holy Spirit
In the end of Jesus time on earth, forty days after His resurrection, He said I have to go so I can send a gift to you, a Comforter, the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit will come and live within you. Scripture says the Holy Spirit is poured out on all flesh! So, the Holy Spirit is available to anyone. It is the Holy Spirit that convicts us of our sin and woos us, draws us, to learn about God. And to learn to trust God and put our faith in what Jesus Christ has done on the cross.
The Holy Spirit is a gift that as a part of God within us can speak to our spirit and inspire us to translate Scripture, or stop wasting time playing video games. Whatever it is the Holy Spirit is moving within us. Such as, inspiring doctors to cure diseases, politicians to write good laws, criminals to turn their life around, become a positive member of society. It is the Holy Spirit within each person that draws us to God.
The gift of Eternal Life
These two huge gifts we get from God are directly related to our intimate personal relationship with God. Having the Bible and having the Holy Spirit sets us on a course that we can come to know Jesus in a personal way that we can live a life full of all the other gifts that the Holy Spirit provides for us. Of which there are many. We don’t need to ask for the Holy Spirit because the Holy Spirit moves on everyone.
The Holy Spirit comes to live in us when we accept Christ as our personal savior and we admit we are a sinner. The cost of that sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ. So when we accept that gift of life, we get the full gift of Holy Spirit as well.
The Bible is vital, the Holy Spirit is phenomenal, but the gift of life is incredible. God makes these gifts available to anyone who will accept them. This is the beauty of Christianity, it is open to anyone. It’s all inclusive. Meaning, there is nothing you have done that would prevent you from getting these gifts by coming to God and saying ‘hey, I’ve blown it’ or ‘I’m curious about this Bible thing, I see these people and want what they have”. So they start reading the Bible. Or they sit in a jail cell sobering up for the fifteenth time and say ‘God, I just can’t do this anymore I need Your help, help me’.
Asking for more
These three gifts are unique and different, the Bible, Holy Spirit, and eternal Life, but they complement each other. They work together and don’t come in any specific order, they work in concert. After you accept these gifts you have access to more gifts. You get Fruit of the Spirit which is evidence of the Spirit living within you. And God has gifts He wants to give you but He wants you to ask for them.
He wants you to earnestly seek after them. That is not expecting them to happen nor hoping they will happen. Now the Holy Spirit may inspire you. Stir within you a desire to learn more about one gift and if that happens you should pursue it because God wants to bless you. God makes this gifts available to us, not so we can all be the same, but so we can all use our unique gifts, talents, skills, and abilities to live in this world glorifying God that others would see and want what we have.
There are gifts that represent different types of leadership such as, leader, evangelist, or pastor. Other gifts are more compassionate like mercy, healing, and helps. Additionally, there are administrative gifts.
The Bible has many gifts listed within it but I do not believe it is an exhaustive list because we are not a finite creation. God has created each of us differently and He may have a gift for you not necessarily delineated in the Bible.
Created to Create
Creator God created us to create. I create these podcasts and my books but it’s not the same as how an artist creates. Some art is so beautiful and profound but the gift of art is not in the Bible. On the other hand, everyone is impacted by art, each in his/her own way. My daughter has the gift or art. Maybe it comes down through families but I cannot draw though my sister can. I love looking at her drawings because they are so good. More importantly, I love beautiful art because I can’t do it. I see how God has blessed artist to bring joy, to challenge, and to see the world differently.
My idea of good art may not be the same as yours because good is subjective. The beauty is there are hundreds of artists making hundreds of types of art appealing to and blessing hundreds of individuals. Ultimately, the gifts God gives you are for you, to bring you joy. If you have musical ability you know the process of playing music brings you joy. Artist likes to create their art like the musician likes to make music, and the scientist likes to investigate.
Many of your gifts will be intimately connected to who you are, your identity, and although they may be used to create or support a profession the title and profession you have is not your identity. Conversely, the skills and talents you have to create that profession are your identity. It’s a beautiful society because we are all so different. Because we are not all the same we are not all going to get the same gift.
Using your gifts
What God has for you to do is not what God has for me to do. So the gifts and the talents I need to do what I am called to do are different from the gifts and talents you need to do what you need to do. Whether that is to parent a child or fix a car or develop a spaceship to fly to Mars. Though fixing a car and building space ships is fascinating, for me I like to teach, write, and speak. That is where I shine. And it’s not me who is shining, it is God through me.
I want to live brightly by using my gifts and talents, honoring my gifts and talents. Recognizing the gifts and talents God has put in you and put in me. Celebrate the gifts God has given you. They are yours, for you, and for you to bless those around you. Subsequently, your gifts are for you to earn a living and you earn a living by serving God’s other children. What a beautiful interplay. The gifts of God. First for you. Then for the world.
Firm Foundation
To live BRIGHTLY first you must be a Believer. Then you must Rest in God alone which means there will be times when you have to let go and trust Him. You have to know who you are, who He says you are. Your Identity. Next, accept the Gifts that God gives you freely and seek out those the Holy Spirit stirs in your heart to ask for.
You have not because you ask not. God wants to eagerly give you gifts but He wants you to participate in the process because He could give you a gift and not even know you have it or what it’s for. These first four letters B-R-I-G create the foundation of what it means to Live BRIGHTLY. They creates a foundational relationship first and foremost with God your Creator, the Creator of heaven and earth. Creator of all that is seen and unseen. The Creator of you, the creator of me. The Creator of all those around us. It’s a beautiful thing to live brightly and let your light shine.
Pray with me
Dear Lord,
Thank You for drawing me close to You. Thank You for Your gifts of Bible, Eternal Life and the indwelling of Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit guide me to know more and to grow in every way Open my eyes to see what gifts and talents You have given me and how I can use them to honor You and serve Your children. Open doors of opportunities to grow into who You created me to be. Reveal in me the gifts or talents that have laid dormant so I can use them for You. Thank You for drawing me to You. Thank You Lord for putting me here at this time; Show me how You see others.
In Jesus name, Amen.
© 2021 Elayne Cross
Gift Scriptures
Gift of God’s Word
- Matthew 24:35 heaven and earth will pass away but My Word will not pass away.
- Psalms 119:18 open my eyes that I may behold Your Word.
- Matthew 4:4 not live by bread alone but by every Word of God.
- John 10:10 Scripture cannot be broken.
- Proverbs 30:5 every Word of God proves true.
- Psalms 119:160 the sum of our Words is truth.
- John 17:17 Sanctify they with Your Word, Word is truth.
- Psalms 119:105 Word is a lamp unto me feet and a light unto my path.
- 1Thessalonians 2:13 thank God you accepted the Word of God.
- Romans 15:4 everything that was written was written that you might have hope.
- James 1:17-18 giving us His Word.
- Proverbs 13:14 The Word of the wise is a fountain of life.
- 2Peter 1:19-21 God inspired the writing of the Word.
- 2Timothy 3:16 All Scripture is breathed out by God, (all means ALL including translations).
- Acts 17:11 receive the Word with eagerness, examining the Scriptures.
- Colossians 3:16 let the Word of God dwell in you.
- Deuteronomy 8:3 man lives by every Word that proceeds from mouth of God.
- James 1:21 Word can save your soul.
- Isaiah 55:11 His Word will accomplish its purpose.
- John 15:3 you are clean because of the Word spoken to you.
- 2Timothy 3:16-17 All Scripture is breathed by God.
Gift of Holy Spirit
- Acts 2:1-47- (2:38-39 repent and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit).
- Romans 8:28 Spirit intercedes for us.
- John 16:13 Holy Spirit guides you into all truth.
- 1Corinthians 6:19 your body is a temple for the Holy Spirit whom you have from God.
- Ephesians 2:18 through Him we have access to the Father by the Holy Spirit.
- Acts 1:4-5 wait on the gift Father sends (Holy Spirit).
- Romans 12:6-21 Holy Spirit gives different gifts to each of us.
- 1Corinthians 12:4-11 a variety of gifts but the same Spirit.
- Acts 10:37-48 God gave gift of Holy Spirit to Cornelius and his house all Gentiles.
Gift of Eternal Life
- 1 John 4:9 God sent the Son.
- Romans 10:17 faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of Christ.
- John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He sent His only Son that whosoever believes in Him will have eternal life.
- 1 John 4:13 we abide in Him and He in us because He gave the Holy Spirit.
- Romans 5:12-19 free gift of grace through Jesus Christ – one died for all to live.
- 1 Peter 1:3 blessed is God the Father who caused us to be born again through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.
- Revelation 12:10-11 authority of Christ has come by the blood of the lamb and the word of your testimony.
- John 4:9-10, 17-27 gift of Messiah.
- Romans 6:23 wages of sin is death, gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ.
- Ephesian 2:8-9 by grace are you saved through faith, it is a gift of God.
- John 17:17 we are sanctified with the Word of Truth.
- 1 Peter 1:23 born again through living and abiding Word of God (Jesus Christ).
- John 6:63 Words I (Jesus) speak are spirit and life.
- John 1:1, 14 in the beginning the Word was with God, was God, and became flesh to live among us.
People want a mediator
- Exodus 19:5-11 People prepared to hear from God
- Hebrews 4:12 The Word of God is living and active
- Exodus 19: 14-17 people go to the mountain to hear from God
- Hebrews 9:15 Christ is the mediator of the New Covenant
- Exodus 20:18-22 people stay far off and insist Moses mediate
- 1 Timothy 2:5 one mediator between God and man, Jesus Christ
- John 14:6 I am the way, the truth, and the life, no one comes to the Father but by Me (Jesus Christ)
- Galatians 3:13-29 redemptions changes the covenant from law to grace
- Acts 2:38
- Ephesians 2:8
- 1 Thessalonians 2:13 Word of God at work in believers
Seeking gifts
- Matthew 7:11 Luke 11:13 evil parents give good gifts to their children when they ask, how much more so will God in heaven give good gifts when His children ask
- Acts 8:18-22 can’t buy the gift of the Holy Spirit (story of Simon)
- 1 Corinthians 12:28-31 earnestly seek higher gifts
- 1 Corinthians 14:1-3 seek the gift of prophecy
- Ephesians 4:8-14 Gifts help you mature and protects you from being tossed around by wrong doctrine
General gift Scripture
- Numbers 18:7 gift of priesthood
- Genesis 30:20 gift of children
- Deuteronomy 12:6 burnt offerings, tithes, and sacrifices were considered gifts to God
- 1 Samuel 9:7, 1 Kings 13:7 prophets deserved a gift when consulted
- 2 Kings 12:18 gifts to kings to gain favor or manipulate situation
- Ecclesiastes 3:13 eat, drink, find satisfaction is work is a gift from God
- Matthew 2:11 wise men brought gifts to Jesus
- Romans 1:11 impart (share by laying on hands) your Spiritual gifts to strengthen and encourage
- 1 Timothy 4:14 impart gifts by laying on hands and prayer
- Romans 11:9 God’s gifts are irrevocable
- 1 Corinthians 14:12 use your gifts to encourage other believers
- 2 Timothy 1:6 fan flames of your gifts by laying on hands
- 1 Peter 4:8-10 use your gifts to serve one another
- 2 Corinthians 9:6-15 God loves a cheerful giver, be generous and thank God
- Philippians 4:16-20 when you give you bless others ad God blesses you
- 1 Corinthians 7:7 each has his own gift from God
- Matthew 25:14-28 you are given gifts to cultivate them (think of a famer tending his garden)
- James 1:17 every good and perfect gift is from above
- Ephesians 6:17 Word of God is the sword of the spirit in the armor of God
- Psalms 119:105 Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path
- Acts 11:16-17 religion tries to stand in the way of God’s gifts for you
- Romans 4:4 wages are not gifts they are your due
- Romans 11:6 it is by grace you are saved and no longer from works
- 1 Corinthians 13:2 if you have gifts but no love, you are nothing
- 2 Peter 3:16 ignorant and unstable people twist Scripture
- 2 Timothy 2:15 rightly handle the Word of Truth
- John 12:48 the Word judges on the last day
- John 10:10 Scripture cannot be broken
Copyright © 2021 Elayne Cross
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