Big G little g what begins with g?
Identifying objects by the first letter is an activity used to teach people the relationship between a letter and its sound. Giraffe and gold both begin with g but represent the two different sounds of the letter. There are different uses for j and g though they sound the same. Rules help students learn, such as I before e except after c… Is it proper to use the word Government or government?
Big G little g
Capitalization of a noun depends on whether it is proper or common. Proper nouns include names and titles, George versus gorge. One a person’s name, the other a valley. Is government a proper noun? Should it be capitalized?
The word government describes the controlling structure of an organization or country. The legislative branch, executive branch, and judicial branch represent the three distinct branches of the United States government. These separate-but-equal branches function as checks-and-balances to prevent the rise of a governing class.
What is the difference between God and god?
Little g god, represents a non-specific object of worship. Big G God, refers to the Most High God, the God of the Bible for Christians and Jews. God is a specific god.
Government or government?
On the other hand government is not a proper noun and requires no capitalization at the beginning of a sentence. Yet many people look to government is if it’s God, or Government.
Government overreach is a subjective topic, how far is too far and what can or should be beyond the governments reach? Before you answer, first let’s define the responsibilities of the individual. People of faith, Christians and Jews, look to God as the source of life, liberty, happiness, provision, protection, peace, and strength. Subjective to these truths, God established the provision and authority of government.
Moses followed Jethro’s advice to create a leadership network over the Israelite’s. God set apart the priest’s to complete all the requirements of the Law, and Prophets to speak for Him. Within the relationship between God and government individuals rely on God, and the church, with their needs related to life, liberty, happiness, provision, protection, peace, and strength along with the essential human connection of community.
When government possesses the responsibility to meet individual’s needs, its role is elevated to God. Making government – Government. Let me offer an example.
Desperate and broken people look to the government welfare office for help. The help they receive is machine-like. Quantifying their unique situation in generalities of dollars and cents. Essentially dehumanizing the individual to a number on a piece of paper. The government solution includes a set of regulations and limitations creating in essence a master-slave relationship. Individuals quickly become entrapped and true freedom becomes expensive. There is little human interaction in the process leaving the person with a fish but no fishing skills. It’s important to eat. It’s hard to teach yourself how to fish when you are in distress. The master-government demands the systematic relinquishing of freedoms for some daily fish and bread.
God not government
God is a proper noun. Proper nouns signal a distinct person, place, or thing. The One and only God versus generic government. God gives you a name. He knows how many hairs are on your head, and cares deeply for you. To government you are a number, case number, social security number, ID number all easily sorted, tracked, and forgotten.
Government isn’t evil, it’s ordained by God. But when we look to government to fill the role of God, it blocks the true source of life, liberty, and happiness. It strips your identity to a number: social security, welfare, or prison ID. Government serves a God ordained role in society but it’s limited, and mechanical.
No one is without value to God, therefore no one should be without value to us. People in distress desperately need someone to care and human connections. Finding value as a child of God ignites the spark of encouragement to learn to fish.
Human connections make the difference. Your identity comes from the Father and is unique and special just for you. God desperately wants a relationship with you. When people in need seek the big G of God, blessings flow. Chains are broken. Identities restored. And Freedom reigns.
Your Turn
How are you serving others as an ambassador of God? Where do you turn first? Are you accessible to those in distress around you? Share your story below, I would love to hear about it